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Current members/students

Saul Burdman (CV)

Professor of Plant Pathology, principal investigator. 

Tel.: ++972-8-9489369 (office)

Tel.: ++972-8-9489861 (lab)

Fax: ++972-8-9466794


Dafna Tamir-Ariel

Ph.D., lab manager. 

Tel.: ++972-8-9489861

Fax: ++972-8-9466794

Tuang Za Khai_edited.jpg
Tuang Za Khai

Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow. 

A. citrulli type III effectors.

Adi Livneh Glass-1.jpg
Adi Glass Livneh

Ph.D. candidate. In collaboration with Dr. Yael Helman (our Department).

Plant growth promotion by beneficial bacteria.

Aya Brill

Ph.D. candidate. In collaboration with Prof. Zvi Hayouka (our Faculty).

Antimicrobial compounds against plant pathogenic bacteria.

Ravid Bilya_edited.jpg
Ravid Bilya

M.Sc. student.

Biological control of bacterial fruit blotch.

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Ido Avni

M.Sc. student. In collaboration with Dr. Yael Helman (our Department).

Biological control of phytopathogenic bacteria.

Former members/students

Former lab manager

Ilona Wolfson (2013)



Dr. Angel Valverde (2007)

Dr. Daria Makarovsky (2014)

Dr. Bernardo Bello-Orti (2016)

Dr. Irene Jimenez-Guerrero (2018)

Dr. Vinoj Gopalakrishnam (2019)

Dr. Gustavo Mateus da Silva (2019)


Ph.D. students

Dafna Tamir-Ariel (2009)
Anat Lerner (2009; co-supervisor: Yaacov Okon)
Ofir Bahar (2010)

Analia Sanabria (2014; co-supervisor: Maria Julia Pianzzolla)

Noam Eckshtain-Levi (2015)

Reut Shavit (2017; co-supervisor: Yael Helman)

Pablo Cardenas (2017; co-supervisor: Asaph Aharoni)

Janak Raj Joshi (2018; co-supervisor: Iris Yedidia)

Tally Rosenberg (2019)

Shiri Topman-Rakover (2020; co-supervisor: Zvi Hayouka)

Rongzhi Yang (2023; writing the thesis)


M.Sc. students

Nadia Kots (2005)
Elitsur Aussenberg (2005; co-supervisors: Hinanit Koltai & Yoram Kapulnik)
Avital Stolov (2006)
Tal Godel-Goffer (2007)
Naama Navon (2007)
Moran Yishay (2007; co-supervisor: Iris Yedidia)
Tali Hubert (2008)
Yossi Buskila (2010; co-supervisor: Dani Eshel)
Tally Rosenberg (2011)
Gilad Rubinski (2011; co-supervisor: Asaph Aharoni)
Liat Fassler (2011; co-supervisor: Yafit Cohen)
Roee Shavit (2012; co-supervisor: Shai Morin)
Tamar Munitz (Zimmermann) (2012)
Ram Kumar Shrestha (2012)
Victoria Barel (2012; co-supervisor: Shulamit Manulis-Sasson)

Amit Siman-Tov Vahaba (2014; co-supervisor: Leah Tsror)

Bolaji Jide Salaam (2014)

Naama Zimerman-Lax (2015; co-supervisor: Moshe Shenker)

Gall Re'em-Brenholtz (2015; co-supervisor: Yaacov Okon)

Hofit Schwatz-Jacoby (2016)

Monica Sonawane (2017)

Einav Aharon (2018; co-supervisor: Edouard Jurkevitch)

Poly Idelchik (2019; co-supervisor: Abraham Gamliel)

Sasha Gurman (2021)

Sharon Vaknin (2021; writing the thesis)

Omri Vardi (2022; co-supervisor: Yael Helman)

Tamar Belisha Harazi (2022)

Maram Othman (2022; co-supervisor: Yoram Shotland)

Meitar Oliel (2023; co-supervisor: Yoram Shotland)


M.Sc. students from the International Program

Anurag Dagar (2005)
Ruel Gesmundo (2006)
Messfin Nigosie (2007)
Ram Kumar Shrestha (2011)

Bolaji Jide Salaam (2013)


B.Sc. students (Research exercise)

Galy Levy (2007)
Tamar Zimmermann (2008)
Adi Amrami (2012)

Maxim Kushnir (2015)

Shany Assaraf (2016)

Yaacov Elkahal (2018)

Nir Joffe (2019)

Aviel Rosenbaum (Amirim student, 2021)

Linoy Biton (2023)


Visiting scientists and students

Prof. Lily Pereg (University of New England, 2015)

Noemi Messmer (Hohenheim University, 2016)

Dr. Francisco (Paco) Perez Montano (University of Seville, 2018)

Dr. Yumin Kan (China Agricultural University, 2018)

Mario Mircea Chiaburu (Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, 2022)

Lab founders, 2004: Nadia Kots, Tal Godel-Goffer, Dafna Tamir-Ariel, Avital Stolov, Anurag Dagar and Saul Burdman 


Some lab members, Sept 2018. Top: Vinoj, Gustavo, Saul, Paco, Dafna, Tamar, Rongzhi, Shiri. Bottom: Yumin and Irene

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